Monday, March 11, 2013

Miami Leather sofa Cleaning

This is for all the people that ask me about keeping there Leather sofa clean.

If you have a leather sofa for more than five years you should pay more attention to this,
Have you notice that your sofa don't look the same any more, look a bit dull or discolored, this is because the dye transfer form jeans and other dark color cloths, body oil, sweat and dead skin. all these stuck to the top of the sofa,

Cleaning, conditioning and re-dyeing your sofa is one of the way's you can bring it back to life, bellow you will see few of the images of a sofa after it has been clean, Keep in mind that this sofa have not been re-dyed,

Re-dyeing a sofa is a different and more costly process. which will be  explain in a future article.

On the top left side you can see the discoloration of the chase, on the bottom you can see i have the same chase clean half and the other half before which was dirty.

This is a process that will take two to three hours.

If you think that your sofa need cleaning you can call us for an estimate,

Visit our site for more information Leather Repair Miami